Shopware 5 Google Tag Manager

Shopware 5 Google Tag Manager: The extension enables the merchants to integrate Google Tag Manager (GTM) with Shopware 5 ecommerce store. With GTM implementation, the store owner can measure and analyze customers' behavior on the online store by inserting tags code on product pages, shopping cart, checkout, etc.


Shopware Google Tag Manager

Customer Login
Password: test1234
Admin Login
User Name: admin
Password: shopware


* Set Container ID in the module configuration.

* The admin can add code snippets of google tag manager in their Shopware 5 website.

* The admin can track and check analytics on Google of their Shopware 5 website.

* Easily configure the Google Tag Manager within your Shopware 5 Store.

* The admin can manage the JavaScript and HTML tags which are used for analytics on websites.

* The Module works for all the products on website pages- Product page, Add To Cart, Category Collection page and many more .

Shopware 6 Google Tag Manager Workflow



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